Drydocking and afloat repairs
Floating dry docks, a pier and wharf all certified and maintained to ABS classification regulations. On average The Grand Bahama Shipyard services a total of 100 cruise and commercial vessels per year, 92% occupancy annually.
Project planning and detailed scheduling
Each project is assigned a designated project manager and each client is provided with a detailed schedule outlining the planning and execution time frame of the project.
Fabrication (Steel, pipe and aluminum)
Most experienced azipod repair team in the world. Thruster repairs can be conducted in dry-dock or underwater. Overhauls of engines, pumps and valves can also performed on-site.
Mechanical Services
The Grand Bahama Shipyard houses certified mechanics providing a wide range of mechanical services including machining capabilities.
Pipe Works
The Grand Bahama Shipyard GBSL provides LRQA Certified pipe welders and other qualified personnel for the installation and maintenance of various pipe materials.
Hull Treatment
The Grand Bahama Shipyard provides HP and UHP blasting and coating.
Electrical Services
The Grand Bahama Shipyard provides Full motor rewind support including balancing.
Tank Cleaning
Our teams can clean the following tanks, but not limited to Ballast, Fuel, Fresh Water, Slops and Void spaces.
The Grand Bahama Shipyard provides full logistics requirements to support each project.
Material handling and brokerage
The Grand Bahama Shipyard is uniquely positioned on an island and our Customs Clearing/Brokerage Department can be used when delivering equipment and materials directly to our yard.
UTM Hull structure gauging
The Grand Bahama Shipyard is class approved to perform UTM services.